"Naaima is a radiant, very special human being and a wonderful yoga teacher who is able to make you feel strong and positive through her classes. Her good energy spreads magically around the room and gives you a memorable experience." VC.
"So incredibly fortunate and grateful to have found Naaima's yoga classes. I couldn't possibly attempt to put into words the gift her Yoga Class. Physically, spiritually and intellectually invigorating and I have only just scratched the surface of the depth of the practice. It is such a joy to attend Naima's class. Always heartfelt, kind and patient, Naima shares eloquent and beautiful insights into the wisdom of the teachings with a passion that is inspiring and contagious. No matter what the state I am in when I enter class, I always feel that I leave revitalized and shining. Thank you Naaima!" Maria R.
"Naaima's Yoga Mondays starts my week with a center. Working with her for the past three years has strengthened both my physical, emotional and spiritual core. She guides my practice in a daily way at home when I meditate and breath and chant and stretch on my own. If I get my self to sit for 5 minutes for myself it usually turns into 15 or 30. Naima helps me give myself to me." Ingrid C.
"I have seen Naaima on numerous occasions for her Harmonyum treatment. The treatment is incredible, you literally go to that place of perfect peace where healing occurs, its like a deeper sleep than you have ever had and you wake up feeling renewed and restored. I would highly recommend this to anyone in need of physical or emotional healing or someone simply interested in getting balanced. Naaima herself is such a kind loving person, her presence itself is a true gift." Ravi Bhojwani.
"Dearest Naaima, I cannot find the words to express how grateful and fortunate I feel to have you and these yoga classes in my life. You came into my life when I most needed it. Feeling no reason to get out of bed after a critical loss in my life. I might have not even taken the classes if I hadn't reached such a critical point in my life. Each night, I write in my journal how grateful I am to you and your teachings. This breathing and the way you teach the class is powerful, filled with positive energy. I feel my energy elevating, my mind more calm, stronger in my core...and for me, most importantly, my heart opening. You are in my heart dearest Naaima, and I am eternally grateful to you for your blessed teachings." Anna M.
"Un immense merci, Naaima, pour les cours de yoga que je suis de manière assidue depuis le debut du confinement. A chaque fin de cours, j'attends le prochain avec impatience, ils me font un bien fou! Merci également pour ta bonne humeur, ton énergie et ta belle lumière. Merci du fond du coeur." Chahrazad Z.
"I only recently started Yoga thanks to Naaima's class. It was a revelation. This practice is very different from the yoga practice that I am generally used to. Mostly based on breathing, it makes you work deep and allows you to get connected to yourself. Naaima's gentle approach and joyful nature takes us on a profound and happy journey where body and soul working harmony together. Her teaching has brought me serenity and tonicity, and allows me to fell focus and centered. I started her course during the confinement and I really hope she will continue her online teaching when when things will get back to normal as I really want to keep her Yoga Classes as part of my weekly routine. I highly recommend her class." Geraldine D.